Certified Business Coach

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Number of Classes : Number of Classes :
3+3 Days spread over 2 months
24 Weekly Classes
Spread Over 6 Month ACC Level
3+3+3 Days spread over 3 months
With NLP Practitioner. Dual Certification
48 Weekly Classes
Spread Over 12 Months PCC Level
ACSTH & Level 1 & Level 2 Route
3+3+3+3 Days spread over 4 months
PCC- Level 1 & Level 2 Route

Class Time
Once in a month on One of the Weekend

9 AM-6.30PM

Class Time:
Evening 8 PM -10PM
Morning 7 AM-9 AM

Masterful Advance Level  20 Days Class Room Training
MCC – Level 1 & Level 2 Route with NLP Master Practitioner Certification

InnerMost Shift Life Coach Training is absolutely confirming to the standard and norms laid by International Coach Federation and based on (11) core coaching competencies as defined by the ICF, the InnerMost Shift Certified Life Coach Program covers:

During the Training:

 • 90 Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) as against 60 hrs minimum prescribed by ICF

• 27 Situational Coaching Tools

• Contextual Application of Coaching Tools

• Well Integrated with BEST Life Practices

• During the Training Supervised Coaching Sessions

• Feedback on Every Coaching Session

• 4 Manuals comprising nearly 600 pages

• 2 Coaching Package designed

After the Training:

• Thoughtfully Crafted after training Support

• Customisable Worksheets

• Question bank

• Planning Formats

• Forms

• Articles/Notes

• Auditing of 2 Coaching sessions recordings


• ACC Mentoring Included

• FREE listing on Coaches Website

• Telephonic/Email access to CEO – Siri Khalsa

• Ask for details

A Business Coach works with business owners, entrepreneurs, business unit heads, CEO’s, COO’s, CXO’s and top leaders etc.

Business coaching is believed to be emerging as a fast-growing industry in an age where due to increasing pressure in the nine to five job, people make choice to enter a start-up venture, become business owner or entrepreneurship hoping it as one of the most lucrative paths to success. BUT soon they become slave of their businesses. Studies has revealed that 95% venture closed down in first three years.

Same is true when executive rising up the ladder fast when reach to top position or senior most position, they find themselves alone and run into problems.

Hence the need of Competent and Certified Business Coaches is consistently increasing.

What does a Business Coach do?

As a business coach you work to keep Business Owners, Business Heads, Entrepreneurs and CEO’s , on track and focused on first and foremost on maintaining sense of balance, internal happiness along with vital parameters of business that directly impact their roles and responsibilities. It can be assisting them to make more sales, improve profits; increase finances, diversion and path breaking decisions

Changing government policies, increasing inflation, rising demand of workers, and increase in level of competitors etc. pose challenges to Business Leaders and Business Coaches help them respond to such circumstances.

In fact every Business person needs a coach, to question the decisions they take, to be a mirror to reflect upon, and much more. An apparent level reflection, will lead to aparent level changes but coaches raises their awareness to inner most level and deeper level reflections.

As InnerMost Shift Business Coach, you help b
Creating Vision
Enriching Presence
Negotiating Sensitive Deals
Setting Priority
Letting Go Resentment
Becoming Trustworthy
Increasing Network
Overcoming Procrastination
Creating Culture
Getting Unstuck
Designing Purpose Statement
Managing Employees
Meeting Commitment
Developing as Role Model
Aligning Values
Innovating Ideas
Improving Presentations
Clarifying Goals
Increasing Motivation
Allocating Time
Strengthening Professional Relationship
Manging Business Tensions
Breaking Unproductive habits
Being Inspiring
Achieving Work-Life Balance
Enhancing Productivity
Coping with Setbacks
Taking Vital Decisions
Developing Self Control

Ask us to contact you or Enrol immediately in Internationally accredited programs ICF approved InnerMost Coach Online Training program and kick start your coaching aspiration.


Coaching for Building Leadership Qualities in Business owners

Most business owners don’t pay attention to develop as Leaders. Research proves that in today’s scenario it absolutely necessary to be a leader that has some heart leading the way in their business. Leadership is astoundingly blissful but only when we put our undue self-importance egos aside. Thus, they need to be Emotionally Intelligent and must have Great Presence.

Unified Coaching Presence- The Yogic Presence!

What happens during the training is something amazing, while you undergo process of learning Coaching Skills, you also develop a greater self-awareness, undergo InnerMost Shift and transform.

All of this empowers you and you become one with coaching approach and restore to truly who you are, this strengthen, unifies and strengthen your Coaching Presence, we refer as Yogic Presence.

This makes a BIG difference in the way you coach and InnerMost Shift happens!!

Trust that AlphaStars InnerMost Shift Coach training will gives you enough confidence and help you strengthen your ‘Graceful Presence’ to sail through turbulences of life and coaching profession.

You will also learn to coach others to build their presence.

You can’t Coach Business houses to develop a strong culture unless you know something about leadership, communication and people. The InnerMost Shift Business Coaches are trained to coach people on all such significant aspect.

The Science behind InnerMost Shift

Our Certification is not just as per the requirements of International Coach Federation based upon the eleven (11) Core Coaching Competencies and Ethical Standards. It goes well beyond exceed standards.

InnerMost Shift Coaching model using IC PROBE GAP proprietary Framework (powerful as compared to G.R.O.W model etc.), blends together the Best Life Practices from Scientific Research, Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, Mindfulness, Neuro-Linguistics, Cell biology, No Mind (Neutrality), Somatic Awareness and Energy Consciousness etc.

If you want to specialise as Business Coach you need to take up additional and advance module on Business Coach as well as get mentored as ‘Business Strategist’ also.

Advance Business Coach & Business Strategist  specialises in .

Establishing Brand
Attracting Talent
Strategic Thinking
Deploying Resources
Getting More Customers
Retaining Large Accounts
Developing Employees
Finalising Business Plan
Writing Business Goals
Improving Cash Flow
Upscaling Business
Multiplying Profitability

Well, the fact is you’ve got to be the person with right insights, authentic knowledge, acquaintance with business terms to be able to interact with ‘potential clients’ to trust you. This will give your ability to screen clients really ready. . . and that’s what you want.

After undergoing advance training, you develop the power to change a client’s world by being a InnerMost Shift Advance Level Business Coach & Consultant Business strategist who is a Model of Excellence with right insight and integrity; is assertive to say what needs to be said to create breakthroughs for your clients.

Ask us to contact you or Enrol immediately in Internationally accredited programs ICF approved InnerMost Coach Online Training program and kick start your coaching aspiration.


FREE pdf. Download
Fill up your details and receive a 22 pages e-paper
“Tools for Business Coach.” ABSOLUTELY FREE
This will educate and give insights, how will
‘InnerMost Shift happen to your Client
