9 days ACSTH : InnerMost Shift Coach + NLP Practitioner & Coach training, covering ICF Core Competencies, Coaching Approach, Methodology, BestLife tools, etc.
Complete 16 hours of self-study + 4 hours self-coaching + approx. 15 hours of assignment, re-validating your understanding of coaching tools & methodology. (to be completed within 2 months*
Submit 2 recorded coaching session of 20-30 mins with script for assessment, 1st within 2 months* & finishing minimum 8 hours coaching. 2nd within 5 months* & finishing minimum 35 hours coaching
Within 6 months apply for AlphaStars ‘InnerMost Shift Coach’ certificate. Get link to online test, clear test (max 2 attempts) & get certified as ‘InnerMost Shift Coach’. Get letter of completion of 90 hrs. ICF coach specific training
Get 10 Hrs Mentor Coach Letter form AlphaStars’s Mentor Coach
Complete full 100 hours (of which 75 is to be paid) coaching apply for ICF – ACC Certificate through ACSTH route
Submit two recordings of Coaching Sessions to ICF
Complete 125 Hrs. Full Level 1 & Level 2 with us, then you will submit the recordings to us and we will assess and audit mentioned in step 7
Qualify Competency Knowledge Assessment test with ICF
Get ACC/PCC/MCC ICF Coach Credential depending upon
To get
All submissions is to be made within timeline mentioned & will have to be evaluated satisfactory in application of coaching knowledge.
* Timeline mentioned with reference to time lapsed after coach training